Spring Brochure

In the Kitchen and Kids Classes

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“The gentle art of gastronomy is a friendly one. It hurdles the language barrier, makes friends among civilized people, and warms the heart.” Samuel Chamberlain, American soldier, painter, and author

I love to travel but haven’t been able to as much as I would want. I’ve always felt that a country or region’s food is a window into its culture. That’s why it’s so much fun to explore the cuisines of the world–in a way, you can travel without leaving home! So, what do Mexico, Ireland, Thailand, France, China, Louisiana, Vietnam, Korea, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Hawaii have in common? This spring quarter BSC is featuring a class or classes highlighting the cuisine of each of these places. Buckle your seatbelts, it’s going to fun!

Speaking of fun, we’re hosting three dinners this spring, one with Georgetown Brewing Company, one with Benson Winery of Chelan, and one focusing just on Rose’ wine. We’re also starting to host our day trips again. This quarter we will visit Bob’s Red Mill World Headquarters in Portland in April, and to Port Townsend in May. This winter, I had many folks come up to me and ask if we were discontinuing our day trips because we didn’t have any scheduled. We take a break in winter because the weather is so uncertain but yes, they’re back!

BSC is in the business of learning about cooking and food, but mostly we’re in the business of having fun! Welcome spring, welcome fresh green things and all that is new. Hope to see you soon, upstairs in the BSC kitchen!

Leanne Willard
Bayview School of Cooking Director